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Trees have always provided us with two of life’s necessities, the oxygen we breath and food, as well as other basic needs such as shelter, tools and medicine. Today their value continues to increase as our needs and modern lifestyles evolve. It is widely appreciated that green space is vital in offsetting and even reversing the effects of urbanisation and climate change.
You may not realise it but trees have a far greater purpose than just providing us with a shady spot on a sunny day or the foundations for our childhood tree house! Our air quality is actually improved by trees and harmful pollutants that enter our soils are absorbed or even changed by them, into less harmful forms.
With global deforestation at an unprecedented level the time to act is NOW! With a percentage of the profit from each bottle going towards planting trees, The Garden Shed Drinks Company has teamed up with Trees4Scotland in an effort to do our bit... and what better to way to help us in our endeavour than treating yourself to a Garden Shed Gin!
Bees play an invaluable and vital role in sustaining our planets ecosystems, ALONG WITH OTHER INSECT POLLINATORS, BEES POLLINATE A THIRD OF EVERYTHING WE EAT AND ARE ALSO MASSIVELY RESPONSIBLE FOR POLLINATING FORAGING CROPS USED TO FEED LIVESTOCK WE DEPEND ON FOR MEAT. Seeds, fruits and berries eaten by birds and small mammals are all from plants that are pollinated by bees, making them the guardians of the food chain. A quote attributed to Albert Einstein says “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the earth then man would only have four years left to live.”
In the last 80 years uk bumblebee populations have crashed. Two species have become nationally extinct and several others have declined dramatically. We feel that, in an effort to give something back, choosing to donate a portion of our profits towards the Bumblebee Conservation Trust is a worthy cause given their importance to the environment.
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