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The idea behind Garden Shed Gin evolved when a group of friends were sitting around the dinner table discussing a recent visit to a local distillery. After a few drinks and delusions of grandeur the Garden Shed Drinks Company was born.
Our concept was to create a Gin in the shed, inspired by botanicals found on our doorstep, from the wild blackberries at the bottom of the garden to the dandelion we worked so hard to get rid of. Our dream quickly changed into a goal and soon became a reality.
Not only have we created what we believe to be a clean, fresh, flavoursome Gin, we also have a vision to give back to nature by supporting Scottish charities such as the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and Trees4scotland.
Our ambition for the future is to continue making fine spirits and have fun doing it!
After spending her youth barefoot and growing up in a remote and relatively untouched part of Zambia, Maxine developed a real passion for the environment and all its inhabitants. Strays and orphaned wild animals always found a home on her family’s farm. She moved to Scotland in 2000 where she met her husband Ryan (one of the other founding members). With a background in hospitality and a decade of experience in the beauty industry she gave it all up to become a mummy. Within the Garden Shed Drinks Company, Maxine provides one half of the creative mind behind all the branding and design and as the perfectionist of the group, keeps standards high.
Kirstin (the better half of #teamjackson) is a gin enthusiast, passionate about doing her bit to keep the environment a happy place. Having studied landscape architecture at Edinburgh College of Art, Kirstin then qualified as a chartered member of the Landscape Institute in 2016. It is her aim to design with nature and provide public realm which benefits the well being of others. Giving something back to the environment as part of team GSD Co is something that Kirstin is particularly proud of. Kirstin’s role within The Garden Shed Drinks Company is to keep spirits high, graphics on point and to sample the newest gin on the shelves. If you fancy a cup of tea (or G&T!) and a bleather, drop Kirstin a line.
Ryan was raised in the tropical climate of Malaysia and considers himself a student of the world. Husband to a beautiful wife, and father to an amazing little girl, he now lives in the slightly less sunny climate of Glasgows Westend. Having spent 12 years in professional rugby following 3 years in the British Army, Ryan is no stranger to pressure situations. He tries to ensure the smooth running of this little business and is not afraid to make the difficult decisions.
With a Bachelors degree in Environmental Science, he is at the fore front of creative ways to keep The Garden Shed Drinks Company as environmentally friendly as possible. With a passion for the darker spirits Ryan is always looking for the next project, and hopes to bring more garden inspired spirits to the shelves of Glasgows finest establishments.
Ruaridh, the lesser half of Team Jackson, has developed a passion for the wonderful world that is alcohol. He feels the complexity and variety within all aspects of the drinks industry means you can never stop learning, or in this case drinking. Somehow alongside this passion he has carved out a career as a professional rugby player for some 12 years now, with hopefully a couple more to come.
Growing up he was rarely indoors, when it wasn’t Rugby he’d be heading up the mountains snowboarding or in the summer months, playing golf or skateboarding. This love of being outdoors growing up developed another passion of his which is to help out the environment, something that makes him super proud to be part of The Garden Shed Drinks Co.
“Not only do we make great spirits, we all have a genuine love for the world we live in and a desire to make a difference. Above all else, we’ll have a whole lot of fun!”
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